At Big Honey LLC, we're passionate about educating youth and communities about the vital importance of bees for humanity and our environment
Swarming is a natural occurrence in strong hives, the need to spread out their genetics causes them to seek a new home. Sometimes the new home is in a troublesome area for the humans that now have to co-exist with bees. This is where we can help.
With your donation, we will dedicate a hive in your name or the name of a person of your choice. Included with the sponsorship is the opportunity to learn how to bee keep or opt out for a share of honey. Learn more today.
Codi and Jessica McIntyre own and run Big Honey LLC. Codi is from Northeast Wisconsin and came from a family of farmers. Codi knew he wanted to be a farmer too one day. Only his vision was that of wildflower fields instead of corn, bees instead of cattle. Jessica came from a military family and is from Honolulu, HI. After getting married in 2018, Jess also accepted the bee suit and hive tool and got to learning. Together they have two children and have fun as a family wrangling bees, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, Guinea hens and enjoy being in nature.
Big Honey LLC is located on the boarder of Door and Kewaunee County, WI. We specialize in traditional beekeeping and have been in business for 15 years. Our team consists of our family. Codi's mom, Lynn, is wonderfully skilled in rendering beeswax and making the high-quality lip balm, salve, and wax bricks products that our customers have enjoyed for many years. Our daughter (11) enjoys helping bottle honey and place labels. Our son (8) would be happy for the bees to keep their distance.
We are available Monday-Friday 8am-4:30PM to answers your questions. If you would like to place an order, you can do so on this website, or by calling us to place your order. The honesty store is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Shop around and leave cash or check in the yellow cash box on the door.
We can be reached by calling Codi 920-615-1737.
Our honey is unique in that we are located in a rich country area. There is a river filled with diverse wildflowers, and the bees forge endlessly to give us a beautiful blend of honey that is sure to leave your taste buds buzzing. We do not force filter or heat to the point of pasteurization.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit the store when it is convenient for you. The honesty store is located at N 9047 County Road AB in Luxemburg, WI. It is always open, shop for what you need and then leave cash or check in the yellow cash box. Call us old fashion, but we believe in the honesty policy. Happy shopping!
N 9047 County Road AB Luxemburg, Wisconsin 54217, United States
Big Honey LLC
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